EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes

I met up with one of my offseason athletes the other day for a training session, and he brought along one of his buddies from another team in the league. I love friendly competition in workouts! My client’s friend said he is used to working out hard and for me to “Bring It”!

Not sure if he thought those words would be intimidating to me… But they weren’t, and I did.  Here’s what I tested him with.

Nice little 4 Minute Workout I call…The TORTURE 240!!  Try it yourself now!

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes

One of the best things about body weight workouts is that you can do them ANYWHERE! No need for any equipment.

THAT SAID…One of the worst things about body weight workouts is they can lack variety and become predictable pretty fast!  UNLESS….You’re doing this ATHLEAN BURST workout example.

“ACES WILD” – Crazy bodyweight muscle building and fat burning workout!  Never the same workout twice!!

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 1 minute
heart pounding workout

Introducing the newest ATHLEAN BURST CHALLENGE. What will you score on this heart pounding 4 exercise workout? Try it now!

Wanna know the best part about challenges and why they are so important to ATHLEAN-X? Because they help me to guarantee your best effort!

Think about it. Anyone can hand you a workout program or a DVD to follow.  But if they’re not standardizing your effort it won’t work.

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