EstimatedEst. Read Time: 1 minute

When poorly developed…

The lower chest/pecs can appear saggy.

But thanks to a little “PHYS-X” and anatomy, you have a bit more control over this than you might have thought!

Lower Pec Punisher Exercise (No More Saggy Chest!)

The pec major actually has three distinct heads.

– The clavicular (upper chest)
– The sternal (middle chest and biggest area)
– The abdominal (small area that outlines the inferior border of the chest)

See how to influence each area with one move!

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 1 minute

If you’ve trained for any length of time, you’ve likely heard…EITHER You can only train your upper and lower chest but you can’t train inner or outer OR You really can’t target any area of the chest since it contracts in “all or none” fashion.

Guess what? Science shows…BOTH are WRONG! There’s nothing more impressive than a ripped, chiseled chest. It makes a statement without you having to say a word.  BUT…That statement is loudest only when you train your chest the right way!!  FACT or FICTION: Is Inner Chest Training Possible (Click Here to Find Out in This Brand New Video!)

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes
Olympic chest workout

No matter where you are in the world right now reading this, most likely you’ve been flipping through the channels these past few days and have come across some of the 2012 London Olympics coverage.

And if you have….

I’m sure you’ve noticed the upper body mass on the men’s gymnasts!

EVERY SINGLE ONE of them have huge arms, insane shoulders, and built chests!

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