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The shoulder is the most commonly injured joint when working out. Not a surprise. Especially not when you consider that most workouts never have you do any exercises for your rotator cuff!! See what I mean and what to do here

What’s even worse is… Even when trainers recommend a few rotator cuff exercises to do, they never coach you how to do them right! Believe me. It matters.  3 Big Shoulder Exercise Mistakes (Don’t Make Them)

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Question for you!

What do your upper body warm ups look like? If you’re NOT warming up before your chest, shoulder and arm workouts, you should be! Prevent injury and get stronger with THESE special stretches!  3 Fast SHOULDER MOBILITY Moves!!

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Be honest with me…Do you EVER do anything for your rotator cuff? Stretch it? Train it? Don’t be ashamed if you don’t. You’d be in the majority.

See why that’s bad and how to fix it fast here. Most people think that this is all one muscle…And not a very important one at that. That’s WRONG and WRONG!!

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes
athlete home fat loss workouT

QUICK…What exercise provides you with one of the fastest ways to burn fat and calories.  AND…Can also blow up your forearms while helping develop shoulder rotator cuff stability?? WATCH THIS VIDEO to not only see it but get a complete workout using it!

In fact…I think this one is so important that I have ALL of my pro athlete clients do it.  Including a major league ALL-STAR infielder (who’s on his way to his 7th All-Star season right now and does the workout IN THIS VIDEO!)

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