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Do Your Shoulders Do This…. (I HOPE NOT!)

If you’ve been lifting weights for at least 3 months…And have especially been trying to get a bigger upper body…You NEED to watch this!

The quest to build the “show muscles” like the biceps, chest, shoulders and even the abs…Leaves you susceptible to the dreaded “ROUND SHOULDERS”! See why that’s such a bad thing (and how to fix it!)

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 1 minute
upper body agility x workout

What’s going on “Team AthLEAN“? I have been working around the clock and have got to tell you…it’s going to be a fun next few months for all of us!

First up….You asked for it and it’s here…AthLEAN-X Gear! You can rock out your brand new “body under construXion” T-shirts and Hats now.

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