
What makes Athlean-XX different from the men’s version AthLEAN-X?

Scientifically speaking, you may have heard of the male chromosome and the female chromosomes that differentiate men and women. All of your genetic information is carried within two DNA cell clusters of two types: X and Y. Women are normally XX and men are normally XY. Don’t let the slight change in one letter fool you though, as it accounts for the major differences in the way women and men store fat and develop lean muscle. So, when it comes to weight loss and fitness, there needs to be different strategies to get each to their goals the fastest. ATHLEAN-XX addresses this (based upon our already popular principles for the male version of ATHLEAN-X) and gives you a program made especially for women! Suddenly, looking great in your “genes” has an entirely new meaning!

Do I need a gym membership to do the program?

No, our 10 DeluXXe Diva DVD’s and BONUS DVD are made for you to participate right in the comfort of your own living room or bedroom. You can even use them when you travel if you own a portable DVD player or laptop computer.

What kind of equipment do I need?

One of the main considerations we had when developing the Athlean-XX program was to make sure that you wouldn’t need much other than a desire to lose those stubborn pounds once and for all! We kept space requirements to a minimum and equipment needs to the bare necessities. All you need to get “athlean” is a pair of light and heavy dumbbells (generally in the 5-10 lb and 12-20 lb range respectively for most women), a piece of tubing, a stability ball, and a step. What you’ll most likely notice right away is that you already have a bunch of this stuff (just might have to give them a little dusting first!). Anything you don’t have can be purchased pretty inexpensively at any local sporting goods store (or even subbed out for some common household items for a “no cost” way to get started!). Athlean-XX is truly BasiXX Training for women in more ways than one!

Will I have a meal plan to go along with the program?

Of course…and you won’t ever have to eat those cardboard, pre-made dinners, or live on sprouts and celery again! In fact, with the Athlean-XX Factor Meal Plans, you’ll be eating better than you do now, and more frequently! Want the clincher (and you’ll have to trust me on this!)…this will be the easiest “no diet” diet you’ve ever followed (and the first one to truly WORK forever!) because we will NEVER ask you to measure your foods or take part in mindnumbing calorie counting ever again. Plus, with AXXESS to our member’s only Athlean-XX online community coming soon, your options will only be growing from the already 60 different breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack choices you have to choose from ensure that you permanently eliminate boring “Appetite Apathy”.

Will I gain the weight back after the program is done?

While the only two guarantees in life are death and taxes, we comfortably stake our reputation on your ability to lose permanent pounds with Athlean-XX…for two reasons. First, by putting your body into the “XX” Zone, we will be turning your once crawling metabolism into a fat burning furnace that will allow you to become a calorie burning machine even when you’re resting! Second, once you have completed the 90-day program and you’re going looking hotter than you even did in high school (and having more fun than ever in doing it) you’ll be so addicted to the breakthrough new way to train that is Athlean-XX that your fitness will finally become part of your life, and you’ll never want to quit!

I’m skeptical. I’ve tried other fitness programs out there that haven’t worked!

For the last two years, we have perfected the ATHLEAN X program for men. Nearly all of those who STUCK TO it will definitely tell you that not only did it work, the results were absolutely amazing. We’ve had a ton of testimonials pouring in from happy dudes who have earned their bragging rights, so now it’s time for the ladies to get on board with our unique system. In our test trials, ALL OF THE WOMEN who used Athlean-XX not only LOVED this program but felt it was the FIRST they actually looked forward to doing! With a complete day by day plan already laid out for you, all you have to do is follow along and you can expect to start seeing results within the first week! The only missing piece to that puzzle is your MOTIVATION to get started and MAKE THE COMMITMENT TO DO IT! But after all, you wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t have that already now would you?!? C’mon girlfriend…lets face it…you’ve GOT what it takes to be Athlean!

How long are the workouts?

One of the biggest misconceptions is that you have to workout long in order to get results! Actually, the opposite is true when you’re training in the “XX” Zone. Every workout in the Athlean-XX System is 30 minutes or less, ensuring that you keep your intensity high and your results even higher. Through “workout density” we are able to get you doing what normally would have taken you an hour into half that time…giving you greater results and even more free time to do the OTHER things in your life that you love!

I’m worried about getting muscled up like those gym jocks. Will this do that?

Ummm…. Of course not! This is a common fear that women have that lifting weights will make your muscles bulge out like Arnold Schwarzenegger (or perhaps someone less controversial…but big!). However, this program combines weights and heart pumping cardio into single 30 minute sessions that do just one thing…sculpt out strong, lean, athletic bodies based on the science of femininity. No bulkiness, whatsoever. So have no fear; you’ll be looking very much like a woman with Athlean XX…a VERY HOT, SEXXY WOMAN, at that!

Is there a certain age you have to be to do this program?

Whether you’re a spring chicken just getting started, a “not so spring chicken” that knows you should get started but haven’t, or a fit chick already…Athlean-XX is the program for you. Wanting EVERY WOMAN to enjoy the benefits of being fit, feeling confident and looking great…we went to great lengths to make sure that our workouts cater to your strengths and are adaptable to your temporary weaknesses. Expert “XX” instructor Sue Carlucci gives tips and alternatives along the way to make sure that each workout pushes even our most advanced and eases in our beginners! Rest assured, these workouts are designed for EVERYONE…especially YOU!

What if I don’t get results?

If you follow the step by step Athlean-XX System for even just 30 days and haven’t already lost any inches off your biggest trouble spots or aren’t seeing and feeling the difference in how your clothes fit, then simply return the program to us along with your charted workouts (so we know you gave it a fair shot!) and we’ll gladly refund your money! That means we KNOW it will work and the risk is on us! Confidence like that can only come when you know you’ve got a proven system that reliably produces the results our customers are looking for! So what are you waiting for? You’ve got nothing to lose but those unwanted pounds so click the button below to ORDER NOW and get started on your new “athlean” body TODAY!
