EstimatedEst. Read Time: 4 minutes

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The results are in!  Mila Kunis has been named the Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire Magazine.  The 29-year-old Ukranian born actress, who is currently dating her long-time friend Ashton Kutcher, is naturally gorgeous.  She doesn’t need much makeup to look great, and she doesn’t need to work hard to be sexy either.  Part of what makes Mila so sexy is her down to earth attitude.  Mila doesn’t appear to have an ego about her success or her beauty.  Says Mila, ” What I do and who I am are two different things. And they always will be,” stating that it’s important to her not to allow her career to let her lose sight of who she is.

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 5 minutes

restaurant eating mistakesNew here?  Like Athlean-XX for Women on Facebook to stay up to date with new posts, great fitness and nutrition articles, motivations and inspirations, fitness challenges, Q&As, giveaways and more!

We’re all aware that the yummy food in restaurants can hide a lot more calories than we may think. Many popular restaurant chains have calorie counts available for their dishes on their websites, and it can be shocking to learn just how chock full of calories, fats and carbs some of even the most healthy-sounding plates are.

However, for most smaller local restaurants, calorie counts aren’t available and we’re left to guess just how healthy (or not) certain menu items may be.  This explains why on vacation, in which we pretty much exclusively eat in restaurants, we can gain up to 5 lbs per week!

The good news is that by avoiding certain key eating mistakes at restaurants, you can help minimize the damage.  Below are 10 Restaurant Eating Mistakes to be aware of!

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 6 minutes

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Fall is such a wonderful time of year that brings with it all of the tasty harvest vegetables and fruits….including PUMPKIN!  Do you love the flavor of pumpkin, but find yourself tempted by all of the tasty looking high calorie pumpkin treats out there?  Yes, in fall we’re bombarded with pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pudding and especially pumpkin pie.

However it IS possible to enjoy pumpkin and keep it clean by preparing pumpkin treats at home.  It can be difficult to find healthy sugar-free low calorie pumpkin recipes on the internet, so I’ve  done it for you!  Below are 16 healthy pumpkin recipes – some savory, some sweet – to put all of your pumpkin cravings to rest and keep your eyes off the pumpkin pie.  Yes you CAN you have your pumpkin and ‘clean eat’ it too!  Oh, and by the way, there is also a ‘clean’ pumpkin spice latte recipe down there…don’t miss out!

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 5 minutes

foam roller exercisesNew here?  Like Athlean-XX for Women on Facebook to stay up to date with new posts, great fitness and nutrition articles, motivations and inspirations, fitness challenges, Q&As, giveaways and more!

The foam roller is an excellent tool to have in your fitness toolbox.  It can be used for self-massage on almost any stiff body part, to break up ‘knots’ in muscles, or to help relieve delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) from our regular exercise routines.  The foam roller is used to perform a technique called Self-Myofascial Release, which is very similar to deep tissue massage (and a LOT less expensive!) Using the foam roller for this type of self massage can help with muscle relaxation, allowing for a deeper stretch and improved range of motion.  It also improves blood flow and circulation to the muscle tissues allowing for faster repair.

It’s best to perform foam roller exercises after a workout or on a rest day.  You may find that massaged muscles are particularly sore the day following the foam roller exercises.

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 7 minutes

fitness motivationNew here?  Like Athlean-XX for Women on Facebook to stay up to date with new posts, great fitness and nutrition articles, motivations and inspirations, fitness challenges, Q&As, giveaways and more!

So, a few weeks or months back you decided to take on a new diet and exercise program.  Your motivation started out super strong in the beginning.  You looked forward to your workouts each day.  You were doing more and harder exercise than you thought possible.  You were able to keep to your diet with near perfect resolve.  You felt fabulous and it seemed like it would never end!

But then a strange thing occurred.  Your motivation just sort of waned.  Maybe a little injury got in your way.  Or a vacation interrupted your flow.  Or you stepped on the scale and noticed you’d hit a plateau.  Whatever the reason, suddenly you’re just not quite as gung ho as before.  Maybe that lack of excitement has you working out a little less.  Or eating a little more.  What happened to that motivation??  Is there a way to get it back??

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