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Hey Ladies –

Want to tighten up the areas around the front & back of your bra straps?

We know spot reduction isn’t possible, but… These chest exercises will help blast bodyfat, And build muscle tone to improve how your upper body looks and performs! =


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XX_Bra Bulge-pl

UGH! Those bits of fat we all love to hate…They squeeze over the top of our sports bras and under our armpits 🙁 The good news is, the RIGHT chest and back exercises can really tone up this area! Exercises to Get Rid of BRA BULGE !!

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Do your boobs need an extra boost? Do your pecs need a bit of pep? Do your ladies need a little lift? Today we’ve got something special for to help give ‘the girls’ a boost!  3 Best CHEST EXERCISES for Women!

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womens back workout

For More Workouts for Women: Most home back workouts for women have one thing wrong with them. They are too long and require much too much equipment to be able to do them! With this home back workout for women all you need is a stability ball and a  pair of dumbbells or weight plates. With just 4 exercises and 5 minutes you can get in a workout to help you sculpt out a sexy, strong, lean and toned back without the ugly bra bulge that can make ANY shirt look bad!


As with AthLEAN-X for men, the workouts and exercises in the women’s program are intense but fun, challenging but fast and most of all….effective. Women’s fitness is hard enough to get straight with all of the confusing misinformation out there about how to workout, how to diet, what to eat and what not to eat. Finally, Athlean-XX Workout for Women is here to make it easy for you. After you finish trying this home back workout for women head over to and get the entire 90 day women’s body sculpting, lean toned muscle shaping program…from celebrity fitness trainer Jeff Cavaliere.

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