EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes

When it comes to building muscle, one of the major areas guys have a hard time with is…THE UPPER CHEST. This probably has to do with the fact that the majority of guys rely on the same old exercises to target their chests.

Does this routine look familiar to you?

– Bench Presses

– Incline Bench Presses

– Dips

– Flys (oh god…NOT flys!)

If so, then it’s time you take a step into the future of training with ATHLEAN-X! See how applying TRUE MUSCLE SCIENCE to your chest training can change your results dramatically.

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes
3D chest exercise

“Inner Chest, Outer Chest Upper Chest, Lower Chest…” Perhaps no muscle group in the body is broken down, isolated, and obsessed about more than the chest.

And even though it sounds like the start of a Dr. Seuss book, it’s actually not completely without merit. Let me explain…you see…when muscles contract they do so following the “ALL OR NONE” principle…which means that it either contracts or it doesn’t, there is no “sorta” here!

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 3 minutes
incline press without bench

Don’t have an incline bench? No elaborate home gym? But don’t want to sacrifice your ability to develop an impressive upper chest (you know…the area where it meets your collar bone and forms almost a “shelf” that stands out in almost any shirt!)

DON’T WORRY…I’ve got you covered!

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