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$ 54 . 99
Today's Price
$ 45 . 99
$ 45 . 99
$ 43 . 24
Vitamin D has been used to boost athletic performance since 1927. It's especially effective for those who are deficient, which is most everyone. Vitamin D deficiency is related to cancer, depression, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Getting adequate amounts can prevent diabetes, lower blood pressure, and restore insulin sensitivity. Historically, athletes getting sunlamp exposure have experienced improvements in strength, speed, and endurance. Taking vitamin D while dieting may lead to faster fat loss, particularly in the abdominal area.
Calcium is especially important for athletes because they are more likely to lose calcium, as well as other minerals, through perspiration. In addition to being important for strong bones, calcium is required for muscle contraction. Without enough calcium you may experience muscle cramps.
MCT's can increase fat oxidation, increase energy expenditure, and improve athletic performance. MCT consumption and MCFA oxidation appears to increase body fat oxidation and satiety compared to LCTs, which may expedite fat loss.
Mix 1 scoop with 8-12 ounces of milk as a meal replacement, snack, for additional protein booster or post workout supplement.
When I set out to determine doses of ingredients, I looked to the scientific literature.
Specifically, I reviewed every well-designed, well-executed, peer-reviewed study I could find on the molecule and find the dose that confers the maximum benefits with the minimum side effects.
These doses are known as “clinically effective doses” because they are backed by scientific studies and demonstrated to produce the desired effects. Simply having an ingredient on the supplement facts panel doesn’t ensure that you’re getting enough of the ingredient to cause the desired effect.
No! 4 Women contains clinical doses of a number of other ingredients specifically for female athletes. Ingredients include Calcium for strong bones. Women are often deficient in Calcium and athletes are known to lose Calcium during training. 4 Women contains 1,000 mg of high quality calcium. Vitamin D has been shown to boost athletic performance as well as possible increases in fat loss. MCT for improved endurance, Royal Jelly for Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, CoQ10 to help improve heart health and blood sugar regulation and finally Resveratrol which has been shown to help in lowering cholesterol and protecting against blood clots.
4 Women contains both milk and egg products so people with allergies to one or both of those foods may be sensitive to taking 4 Women. Additionally, 4 Women is produced in a facility that processes peanuts and wheat. Athletes with sensitivities to these foods may wish to consult with their physician before taking this product.
All of our supplements are proudly produced in the US using the highest industry standards.
All our supplements are monitored and formulated to meet the tastes of our users based on their feedback. With that said, tastes vary from individual to individual. If you find the taste of 4 Women to be too sweet simply mix in more milk. Additionally you may use a smaller scoop until you strike the perfect balance for your tastes.
Since 4 Women can be used as a post workout supplement and a meal replacement you are not limited to how much you can use. With that said, here at ATHLEAN-X we recommend getting the majority of your nutrients and calories from nutritious, whole foods as outlined in our X-FACTOR meal plan. You should only be using our supplements to fill in any gaps in your nutrition plan.
No. 4 Women contains milk products and is produced in a facility that processes eggs.