EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes

Do you want to hear the biggest workout myth out there?  Here it is.   “You can’t BUILD SERIOUS MUSCLE with bodyweight exercises.” I’ll show you why they think that way…and why they’re wrong!  Stop Making These 5 Bodyweight Workout Mistakes… and Start Building Muscle!!

Well…actually…In defense of those people that have said this, I can understand why if they’ve been doing most of the other bodyweight workouts and exercise programs out there.  Because most of the programs out there that do it…Are getting it wrong! Continue reading article

EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes

I met up with one of my offseason athletes the other day for a training session, and he brought along one of his buddies from another team in the league. I love friendly competition in workouts! My client’s friend said he is used to working out hard and for me to “Bring It”!

Not sure if he thought those words would be intimidating to me… But they weren’t, and I did.  Here’s what I tested him with.

Nice little 4 Minute Workout I call…The TORTURE 240!!  Try it yourself now!

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes

One of the best things about body weight workouts is that you can do them ANYWHERE! No need for any equipment.

THAT SAID…One of the worst things about body weight workouts is they can lack variety and become predictable pretty fast!  UNLESS….You’re doing this ATHLEAN BURST workout example.

“ACES WILD” – Crazy bodyweight muscle building and fat burning workout!  Never the same workout twice!!

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 1 minute
black friday workout challenge

5 minute cardio workout challengeHere in the States, the day after Thanksgiving is synonymous with more than just feeling fat and bloated from eating too much…it’s also known as BLACK FRIDAY!

The day when shoppers line up at insane hours of the morning to bullrush stores looking for holiday season deals! Well…

If you decide to tackle this week’s workout tribute to “Black Friday”…you may well be just as insane!! You don’t have the time?

Bad excuse. It’s literally just 5 Minutes and will give you a sample of just why ATHLEAN-X is able to deliver the simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain that we have become known for.

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EstimatedEst. Read Time: 2 minutes
bodyweight exercises

I have to admit, I cringe every time I hear a meathead at the gym say that you can’t really build muscle with “bodyweight” exercises! Huh?? That doesn’t even make sense.

Physiologically, if you can create an overload that taxes your body more than it is used to …you can create an adaptive response in the muscle you worked (BIGGER and STRONGER!)

Doesn’t matter if you’re using IRON or your BODY to do that!

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