6 Posture “Fixes” That DON’T Work (STOP!)

Do you have bad posture and wish you could do something to fix it? Then this is an important video to help guide you through the minefield of posture fixes that don’t actually help you to fix anything. If you have rounded shoulders, a forward head or even a slumped posture due to a pelvic tilt, then you will want to be aware that reaching for the wrong devices to help fix these conditions is going to leave you with the same problems and with less money in your pocket.


The important thing to realize is that you didn’t achieve this bad posture of yours in 5 minutes. It likely took you years of sitting in the wrong position or skipping workouts to strengthen the muscles of your back. Doing something that takes just minutes one time will not do anything to correct your posture long term.


That said, it doesn’t stop many people from reaching for the devices and gimmicks that don’t actually correct the slumped posture.


The first of these is the physioball. Look, I believe that this can be a valuable piece of workout equipment if used properly. When used as a posture improver by sitting on it rather than a chair, you are actually inviting more instability and postural issues into your life. The lack of back support that you get from switching to a ball over a chair is something that becomes more dangerous when the inevitable fatigue of the back muscles comes in that you’re trying to improve by ditching the seat.

The ball, while allowing you to roll your pelvis into the proper position to sit upright, doesn’t do anything to keep you there. Realizing that people that make this switch are trying to improve a weak posture in the first place doesn’t give you much confidence that you’ll be able to maintain it for more than the 45 seconds it will likely take for these muscles to fatigue.


Back braces are a popular go-to option for correcting posture these days as well. You’ll see ads pop up everywhere all over social media trying to get you to think that simply wearing a device that keeps you locked into the proper posture will somehow train your muscles to be able to hold this position as soon as you take the contraption off. Not so. Don’t invest in gimmicks, instead invest in yourself. Take the time to strengthen your back using the exercises that will help you to fix this long term.

This posture correction video will help you to do this permanently. Be sure to check it out.


Standing desks are another thing that have become very popular of late. Unfortunately, while standing may seem preferable to sitting for long periods of time, it doesn’t do anything to mitigate the fact that you can assume some pretty poor postures in standing as well. Crossing the feet and dropping the pelvis to one side, slumping forward, etc. All of these are things that can happen just as easily from your feet. As a side note, most muscular pain that comes as a result of poor posture is going to be aggravated in the standing position and eased when sitting. Just something to consider.


Yoga is another thing that can lead to major posture problems. What?? It can, if you treat it as most do. Yoga is a practice that needs to be given full attention, effort and dedication. If done this way, it can lead to amazing increases in flexibility, muscular endurance and mobility. The problem is, most treat it as a quick way to warmup for the day or a workout. This is not only not giving it the attention and respect it deserves but will somehow convince the person doing it that they are doing their “yoga” and therefore don’t need to do anything else to fix their postural issues.


Of course there are others as well. Posture correctors that you wear on your back to reinforce that you are sitting upright. The minute you lean forward, the device buzzes or beeps to make you aware of it. Listen, while it’s nice to have something to remind you of how bad you’re being, it’s better to actually do something about the bad behavior your exhibiting.

If you’re looking for a complete plan for improving your posture, be sure to check the video in the link above for a great start. If you want a step by step plan for fixing your posture while building a muscular body, be sure to check out the workouts at athleanx.com via the link below.

For more videos on how to fix your posture in 4 steps and the best way to fix anterior pelvic tilt, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

Fix Posture in 90 Days – http://athleanx.com/x/my-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here – http://youtube.com/user/jdcav24

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Jeff Cavaliere M.S.P.T, CSCS

Jeff Cavaliere is a Physical Therapist, Strength Coach and creator of the ATHLEAN-X Training Programs and ATHLEAN-Rx Supplements. He has a Masters in Physical Therapy (MSPT) and has worked as Head Physical Therapist for the New York Mets, as well as training many elite professional athletes in Major League Baseball, NFL, MMA and professional wrestling. His programs produce “next level” achievements in muscle size, strength and performance for professional athletes and anyone looking to build a muscular athletic physique.

Read more about Jeff Cavaliere by clicking here

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