Want to know how to get smaller delts? I’m serious. A flat, weak set of deflated delts. PERFORM THIS CHEAT! See what you should NEVER be doing in your shoulder workout!
The worst part is…I see more guys doing exactly what I show you in the video rather than getting it right. And their shoulders suffer because of it! I say it in the video…Exercises are just exercises when they show up on paper or in a magazine. They only become EFFECTIVE exercises when they are done 100% right. Let me be your strength coach for the next 90 days…
Click here to follow my ATHLEAN-X Program. I’ll make sure you get everything right and overlook nothing in your training. And see a helluva lot faster results because of it.
Train like an athlete with me – Join My Team! Click here to join TEAM ATHLEAN now
HUGE P.S. Not sure if you saw the video I put together about Kellan Lutz’s Hercules movie workout from over the weekend. I showed you all the “athlean” elements he used to prep him for this big role. Want to know all the other. Keeping with that theme, I decided to release my “Hollywood Muscle” bonus for a limited time! Find out what guys like Pitt did for Fight Club, Bale for Batman, Stallone for Rocky IV and more…when you purchase ATHLEAN-X now!
Click here to get Hollywood Muscle with ATHLEAN-X before it’s gone
Jeff Cavaliere M.S.P.T, CSCS
Jeff Cavaliere is a Physical Therapist, Strength Coach and creator of the ATHLEAN-X Training Programs and ATHLEAN-Rx Supplements. He has a Masters in Physical Therapy (MSPT) and has worked as Head Physical Therapist for the New York Mets, as well as training many elite professional athletes in Major League Baseball, NFL, MMA and professional wrestling. His programs produce “next level” achievements in muscle size, strength and performance for professional athletes and anyone looking to build a muscular athletic physique.