Ask any woman what their major motivation is to look good during those hot Summer months and you’re sure to hear one thing at the top of that list…to look hotter in their bikini ready body than the temperatures outside in that bikini! That said, nothing can be quite as intimidating for a woman than stepping on the sand in that new two piece. Why you ask? Well, the fear of getting a sunburn, gaining creepy “guy” attention, and wardrobe malfunctions are NOT causing the reservations….other women are!
A new swimsuit survey just released from Fitness magazine (polling 1000 women) showed that 80 percent of them said their biggest fear at the beach is not sharks…but cats…catty women that is, that are judging their appearance…and not too kindly! About 48 percent said they wouldn’t even get into a bikini until they’d lost 20 pounds or more!
“The survey results shed light on the complicated relationship women have with their bodies and how much time is spent worrying about what other women think,” said Betty Wong, editor-in-chief of Fitness. “It is so important to make sure women are empowered to embrace their imperfections and celebrate their bodies-no matter what shape or size.”
Be at Peace With Your "Bikini Body" courtesy of Athlean-XX!
Of course, all those pictures of skinny celebrities in their swimsuits plastered all over the newsstands doesn’t help. The poll showed that like it or not, women want their bodies….specifically Jennifer Aniston’s (who took that prize with a 37% bikini envy rate!). Thankfully, a couple curvier women made that list too as J-Lo and Beyonce’s bodacious booties finished strong as well.
Here are the highlights from the poll:
- The toughest critic on the beach? 89 percent said other women.
- 60% of the women felt more out of shape than other women at the beach.
- Only 11% said they were confident to get into a bikini “as is”.
- 61% of the women said it would take $100,000 minimum for them to appear on TV or in a magazine in a swimsuit.
- 65% found it harder to find the perfect swimsuit than the perfect pair of jeans.
- More than half the women felt envious and insecure in the presence of a woman with a perfect body
It’s this last one that has our attention the most at Athlean-XX for Women! Why? Because we know that with the right system you CAN achieve a body that you can feel proud of….confident living in….and comfortable showing off! AthLEAN-XX is the right system. With convenient, fast, and effective 30 minute workouts created by a celebrity fitness expert and a meal plan that actually encourages women to EAT instead of starve themselves….Athlean-XX can get you the bikini ready body fast so you can put your fears aside and actually enjoy the Summer!